Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If you've been the "other" woman ... ?

Once, and I will never do it again. He did leave his girlfriend, and we did end up together, and then a year later...I found out there was another woman he had developed a "friendship" with. My advice to you is to not cross any lines with him physically or emotionally until he is unattached. if you do..guess what, you have just proven he is a cheater, and if he could do that to someone he loves and has been in a relationship with for 3 years...he WILL do the same to you. Maybe not right away, but what about 4-5 years down the road when he gets bored with your relationship? I highly advise staying away from this man, as he is already cheating on his girlfriend. I know love is hard to control and your emotions go crazy, but sometimes you only want something because it is unavailable...would you feel the same way if he was already single when you first started talking again? Women love a challenge...I did, that's why I went through with it, only to get burned big time. I hope you get your fairy tale ending, but we do not live in Neverland.


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