Monday, January 9, 2012

My two dogs won't stop fighting! WHAT SHOULD I DO???

i have a 9 year old beagle whos VERY sweet, fat, and loving. he would NEVER hurt anyone! then, i got a dalmatian puppy. puppies will be active, i know that, but my dal always wants to play when my beagle walks in the room. my dal starts play bitting and jumping on my beagle. my beagle is now limping and i have to seperate the house. my beagle seems very depressed now because i spend so much time with the puppy and not with him, so when i'm running around and playin with the puppy and the puppy jumps up on me, my beagle thinks i'm in danger and starts to try to protect me when i'm not in any danger. i guess my beagle thinks my dals just a bundle of trouble while my dal thinks my beagle is just another dog to fight with. what should i do to make them get along?


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